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tUX Microsite Brand Admissions Hub 08.2024

NOTE: Not all pages may be needed depending on the SEO/UX Strategy for the project.

Placeholder image alt text

Admissions Hub Header (H1, 70ch)

NOTE: Jumplinks above are standard. FAQ link may be removed if FAQ Hub is not part of the strategy.

[RB] Request More Information

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

Admissions Intro, Benefit-focused Header (H2)

General intro copy about starting the online application process, and the various paths towards obtaining a degree at the university. Highlight how easy the process is, and encourage prospective students to speak with an enrollment counselor if they have questions.

This section should be between 1-2 paragraphs.

Key Admissions Dates

This section provides context about application deadlines, start dates, and any other important academic calendar dates students need to be aware of that relate to the admissions process.

This section should be between 1-3 sentences and all key dates can be listed in bullets or provided in a table.

How to Apply

NOTE: Minimum of 3 steps should be listed.

Description of step.

Depending on the step/content, the card can include a CTA.

Description of step.

Depending on the step/content, the card can include a CTA.

Description of step.

Depending on the step/content, the card can include a CTA.

Description of step.

Depending on the step/content, the card can include a CTA. Please include a final step for students to call for questions/help and include a phone # to call within the last step accordion.

Get Started

NOTE: Button is standard and links to Brand How to Apply page, if this page is part of the strategy.

Intro/Student Pathways, Benefits-focused Header (H2)

This section should provide a brief intro to the page and explain that admissions requirements may differ depending on what type of student journey they are on (i.e. first-time students, Adult Degree Completers, Transfer Students, Graduate Admissions, International Students, Military Students, etc.). We want to encourage students to apply and that we’ve provided information here to make their admissions process as easy as possible.

This section should be between 2-3 sentences.

Transfer Student Header (H3)

Use this space to provide any relevant content to the respective student pathway experience that the university provides. Give students a better understanding of the university’s transfer student policies, or materials they’ll need to have when going through the admissions process at the university. This content should be informative and provide specific details that students will need to know as a transfer student applying to the university. Info to include:

  • Define who a transfer student is and how to get started with the transfer process into an online program at the university
  • transfer student application deadlines (if different from regular app deadline dates.)
  • transfer pathways (and links from campus site if available)
  • transfer credit or experiential learning policy info (keep it brief, provide a link if available)
  • Max transfer credits for undergrad and graduate programs
  • Transfer credit review information (if applicable)

This section should be between 2-3 paragraphs and can use bulleted lists to help break up content, if needed.

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

[First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]

Military Students Header (H3)

Please provide a high-level overview of who the military-affiliated student is and how the university can accommodate their transition to an online program and how to get started accessing their military-affiliated benefits.

Use this space to provide any relevant content to the respective student pathway experience that the university provides. Give students a better understanding of what they’ll need to know, or materials they’ll need to have when going through the admissions process at the university. This content should be informative and provide specific details that students will need to know as a military student applying to the university.

See WIKI and/or military support page for relevant military admissions information to feature. Keep focus on the benefits, and that a dedicated enrollment counselor is available to help military-affiliated students understand their benefits and walk them through the admissions process.

This section should be between 2-3 paragraphs and can use bulleted lists to help break up content, if needed.

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

[First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]
[Optional] Military Support

International Students Header (H3)

Please provide a high-level overview of who the international student is and how the process and materials/test scores required for being accepted as an international student to the university.

Use this space to provide any relevant content to the respective student pathway experience that the university provides. Give students a better understanding of what they’ll need to know or materials they’ll need when going through the admissions process at the university. This content should be informative and provide specific details that students will need to know as international student applying to the university.

See WIKI, or confer with BM on the international student admission process for content to incorporate into this space. Include university admission requirements for international students’ English proficiency policy.

This section should be between 2-3 paragraphs and can use bulleted lists to help break up content, if needed.

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

[First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]

Additional Tab (H3)

Model copy after other tabs.

Placeholder badge alt text

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

– [First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]

Find Your Program (H2)

Section that drive users to check out the full list of available programs.

This content should be between 1-2 sentences.

Explore Programs

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to Brand Program Finder page.

[RB] Tuition & Aid CTA Header (H3)

Reusable content. Only write on partner launch. If financial aid opportunities are unique for this program (ex. scholarships, tuition discounts, etc.), please follow the notes below to create net-new content. Summarize available financial aid offerings. Acknowledge the student’s immense financial decision and point to financial aid options, such as FAFSA, scholarships, grants, etc. If scholarships are available, please provide details within this content block. Feel free to add a subhead for “Scholarships Available/Details” if needed to highlight this information.

This section should be between 3-4 sentences.

Tuition Details

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to brand-level tuition and aid page.

[RB] Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ page to find answers to questions you may have about the online programs.

NOTE: Wording above is standard.

You can easily start your application now (URL to “apply now” URL found on home page).

The first step in the application process is to fill out the online application found here (URL to application).

We do accept transfer credits, which can help reduce your total tuition as well as time spent earning the degree. To learn more, review the details of the [program you want to enroll in] (url to page with all programs).

Obtaining transcripts, securing letters of recommendation, writing personal statements[,] and the like have variable lengths of time associated with them, which is why you should start them as soon as you can. Once your application file is complete, it typically takes 2–4 weeks to review and provide an answer as to whether you’ve been accepted to the program.

While you do not need to have all documents ready when you [start your application] (URL to “apply now” URL), your application file (GPA/transcripts, letters of recommendation, goal statements, etc.) must be complete when you submit your application to the program. Incomplete files will not be considered. Please visit our [admission requirements page] (insert URL to admissions page) for full details of what’s needed.

Specialists in the Financial Aid Office are available to answer questions specific to your program. You can call (number of financial aid office) or email (ccc@dddd. Likely a callout for brand to fill in.)

Explore FAQs

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to the FAQ Hub, only IF FAQ Hub is part of the strategy.

Sources and Disclaimer

  1. One source number per reference; e.g., if footnote 1 and 5 use cite the same source, just use “1” for both references.
  2. Full URL should be used (i.e. vs and hyperlinked to open in a new window.
  3. Style: Follow the partner’s style guide for source formatting.
  4. If the style guide does not dictate a format, use this format: [Organization]. “[Title].” Retrieved [Month] [Day], [Year], from [URL].

*Disclaimer content (if needed) should be placed at the bottom of the page per UX best practices.

[Internal Information] Additional Page Needs

Content Team

  1. RB content: Refer to Reusable Content page for copy needs (for new site launches only
  2. Page Content (Word doc)
  3. Brand FAQs: Refer to Brand FAQ page for copy need (only for strategies using FAQs)

SEO Team

  1. Keywords (for Copy Team)
  2. URL (if different from standard URL)
  3. Meta Title and Description
  4. Which 6 FAQs should appear on the overview, if standard FAQs displayed on this demo page are not used (only for strategies using FAQs)

PMM Team

  1. Freya Info (only needs to be provided once since all programs and tealium codes will be used across the microsite)
    • RFI List (with SRP Links to each program)  
    • Program Tealiums 

Design Team

  1. Image(s)