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tUX Microsite Area/Vertical Directory 01.2025

NOTE: Not all pages may be needed depending on the SEO/UX Strategy for the project.

Area/Vertical Directory Header (H1, Xch)

[Internal Information] Additional Page Needs

Content Team

  1. RB content: Refer to Reusable Content page for copy needs (for new site launches only
  2. Page Content (Word doc)
  3. FAQs: Refer to FAQ page for copy need (only for strategies using FAQs)

SEO Team

  1. Keywords (for Copy Team)
  2. URL
  3. Meta Title and Description
  4. List of programs being displayed
    • Tabs for Program List (5 or More Programs)
  5. Sub-vertical links (if any)
  6. Featured Resource info (if any)
  7. Which FAQs should be displayed, if standard FAQs displayed on this demo page are not used (only for strategies using FAQs)
  8. Which additional resources to display (if any)
  9. Site architecture changes: if this needs to get added to the main menu, etc.

Design Team

  1. Image(s)