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Used for more prominent interactions or calls to action.


  1. Label

Default buttons are styled to work on light backgrounds while maintaining a high enough contrast ratio, while the inverse buttons are used when a button needs to be placed over a dark background.

Usage Guidelines

There are three main button variants:

VariantProminenceDescriptionMain Usage
default/TertiaryLowNo border or fill, simply text with spacing around it to match other button variationsOther minor text-based CTAs
Outlined/SecondaryMediumBorder is set around the button, but it has no fill colorMost button-derived CTAs
Filled/PrimaryHighFill color and an alternate text colorUsed to launch RFI


This component can be added to post content with the Button block in the Gutenberg editor.



labelstring Button text Yes-
is_linkboolean Set to true to use an `a` tag No-
urlstring - No-
stylestring 'secondary' or 'tertiary'. False by default, making button primary Nofalse
style_inversebooleanDeprecated, use button color utility classes when possible instead No-
dialogstring Name of dialog to open on the page No-
idstring - No-
classstring list of additional classes to apply to main element. No-



Secondary.tux-c-button--secondaryOutline-style button for medium prominence
Tertiary.tux-c-button--tertiarytransparent button for low prominence
Narrow.tux-c-button--narrowdecreases padding around label text for when space is limited

Custom Properties

--tux-comp-button--bg#222YesUsed as the main button color. For secondary/tertiary buttons, it will be applied to the text and border.
--tux-comp-button--text#fffYesOnly used for primary buttons to provide a color with contrast to the main background color
--tux-comp-button--bg-t-hoverrgba(34, 34, 34, 0.1)YesUsed for secondary and tertiary
--tux-comp-button--bg-t-activergba(34, 34, 34, 0.2)YesUsed for secondary and tertiary


1.32.0 (2022-04-26)

  • fix: apply margin in iOS <=14.5 to space icon (3ea7da4)
  • feat: support custom colors via utility classes (#240) (ecb0061)

1.15.0 (2021-01-25)


  • button added

Contained In

Other components that use this component (not including freeform content slots).



{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	slot: "View Programs"
	href: "/programs/"
	variant: "filled"
} ) }}


{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	slot: "View Programs"
	href: "/programs/"
	variant: "outlined"
} ) }}


{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	label: "View Scholarships"
	is_link: true
	url: "/external-url/"
	target: "_blank"
	style: "tertiary"
} ) }}

Primary Inverse

{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	label: "View Programs"
	is_link: true
	url: "/programs/"
	style_inverse: true
} ) }}

Secondary Inverse

{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	label: "View Programs"
	is_link: true
	url: "/programs/"
	style: "secondary"
	style_inverse: true
} ) }}

Tertiary Inverse

{{ include( 'components/button.twig', {
	label: "View Scholarships"
	is_link: true
	url: "/external-url/"
	target: "_blank"
	style: "tertiary"
	style_inverse: true
} ) }}


<ul class="tux-c-action-list u-p2">
		<x-button href="#" variant="filled">{{ fa_icon('solid/lamp-desk') }} Icon Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="filled">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="outlined">{{ fa_icon('solid/gift') }} Icon Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="outlined">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#">Icon Label {{ fa_icon('solid/arrow-right') }}</x-button>
<ul class="tux-c-action-list u-bg--black u-p2">
		<x-button href="#" variant="filled">{{ fa_icon('solid/book') }} Icon Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="filled">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="outlined">{{ fa_icon('solid/comment-alt-smile') }} Icon Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#" variant="outlined">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#">Button Label</x-button>
		<x-button href="#">Icon Label {{ fa_icon('solid/arrow-right') }}</x-button>