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This component is useful for showing things like a number or statistic with some prominence. They can include an icon as well as a label either before or after the main value.


  1. Icon (optional)
  2. Label (optional)
  3. Value
  4. Suffix (optional)

Usage Guidelines

This component is useful for showing things like a number or statistic with some prominence. They can include an icon as well as a label either before or after the main value.

Color can be controlled via the Color Settings options within the admin right rail. The color of the Value text can be controlled independently of the Label and Suffix (which are grouped together in Color Settings).


Try to include a label that properly describes the main value and do not rely solely upon the icon to provide context for the value.


This component can be added to post content with the Fact block in the Gutenberg editor.



iconstring Name of fontawesome icon. a Specific style may be chosen by prefixing with a slash, like solid/star. --
valuestring Highlighted text. --
labelstring Small description preceeding value. --
suffixstring Small description after value. --
classstring list of additional classes to apply to main element. --
attrsarray list of additional HMTL attributes to apply to main element. --
└ itemstring - --



Large Value.tux-c-fact--large-valueIncreases the overall size of a fact.
Vertical.tux-c-fact--verticalChanges the orientation on the fact to a vertical layout.


1.23.1 (2021-08-20)

  • fix: add color property for large value (2549eee)

1.15.0 (2021-01-25)

  • feat: add large-value style (aaf1221)

1.12.0 (2020-10-21)

  • feat: add vertical variation (9cbcf62)

1.3.0 (2020-05-08)


  • fact added


Other core components embedded within this template.

Contained In

Other components that use this component (not including freeform content slots).


Individual Fact

Time to Complete 4-6 Millenia

{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
	icon: "clock"
	label: "Time to Complete"
	value: "4-6 Millenia"
} ) }}


Code Editor VS Code

{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
	class: "tux-c-fact--vertical"
	icon_class: "tux-c-icon--circle tux-c-icon--lg tux-c-icon--outline"
	icon: "solid/book"
	label: "Code Editor"
	value: "VS Code"
} ) }}

Vertical Medium

Code Editor VS Code

{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
	class: "tux-c-fact--vertical"
	icon_class: "tux-c-icon--circle tux-c-icon--md tux-c-icon--outline"
	icon: "solid/exchange"
	label: "Code Editor"
	value: "VS Code"
} ) }}

Fact Grid

Classes A metric ton!

Cost A metric ton!

Time to Complete 4-6 Millenia

Total Credits 999

Transfer Credits 1

Accreditation LOL

<div class="tux-l-auto-grid">
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'book',
		label: 'Classes',
		value: 'A metric ton!'
	} ) }}
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'dollar-sign',
		label: 'Cost',
		value: 'A metric ton!'
	} ) }}
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'clock',
		label: 'Time to Complete',
		value: '4-6 Millenia'
	} ) }}
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'chair',
		label: 'Total Credits',
		value: '999'
	} ) }}
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'exchange',
		label: 'Transfer Credits',
		value: '1'
	} ) }}
	{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
		icon: 'award',
		label: 'Accreditation',
		value: 'LOL'
	} ) }}

Large Value

97.4% Commodo Malesuada Ipsum

{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
	class: "tux-c-fact--large-value"
	suffix: "Commodo Malesuada Ipsum"
	value: "97.4%"
} ) }}

Vertical Responsive

Classes A metric ton!

Cost A metric ton!

Time to Complete 4-6 Millenia

Total Credits 999

Transfer Credits 1

Accreditation LOL

	<x-slot name="content">
		<div class="tux-l-inline-fit">
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'book',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Classes',
				value: 'A metric ton!'
			} ) }}
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'dollar-sign',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Cost',
				value: 'A metric ton!'
			} ) }}
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'clock',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Time to Complete',
				value: '4-6 Millenia'
			} ) }}
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'chair',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Total Credits',
				value: '999'
			} ) }}
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'exchange',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Transfer Credits',
				value: '1'
			} ) }}
			{{ include( 'components/fact.twig', {
				icon: 'award',
				class: 'tux-c-fact--vertical-responsive',
				label: 'Accreditation',
				value: 'LOL'
			} ) }}