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tUX Microsite OSE 08.2024

NOTE: Not all pages may be needed depending on the SEO/UX Strategy for the project.

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Online Student Experience

[RB] Request More Information

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

Online Learning Overview, Benefit-focused Header (H2)

This section should speak to the adult learner, the busy adult who may be returning to school after years in the workforce or getting their first degree. Highlight why [Partner Name] is the best choice for online learning and how we set students up for success in a virtual classroom.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

This content should not exceed 500 ch.

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Meet Your [Partner Name] Support Team

Section intro copy reassuring students that the institution has a dedicated team ready to support their journey. Please list out the support team roles and their descriptions below.

This section should be between 1-3 sentences.

Examples of support team roles include (roles may differ by partner):

  • Program Manager / Enrollment Counselor
  • Field Placement Manager/Coordinator
  • Student Services Coordinator
  • Academic Advisors
  • Tech Support Specialist

NOTE: Although content provided will be the same, below shows the possible display options.

  • [Name of Role]: Provide 1-2 sentences on each of the supporting roles for online students
  • Max of 2 roles in this unordered list format

[Name of Role]

Provide 1-2 sentences on each of the supporting roles for online students.

[Name of Role]

Provide 1-2 sentences on each of the supporting roles for online students.

[Name of Role]

Provide 1-2 sentences on each of the supporting roles for online students.

Student Resources

~2-3 sentences about services for online students and the partner’s dedication to student success.

[Academic Services or Student Services], Benefit-focused Header (H3, 75ch)

2-3 sentences providing students context for the available student services listed. Examples of services to include below: Tutoring, library, transfer credit reviews, etc.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

Career Services, Benefit-focused Header (H3, 75ch)

2-3 sentences providing students context for the available career services listed. Examples of services to include below: job fairs, mock interviews, Hand Shake, etc.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

[Service Name]

Include a 1-2 sentence description for each service.

Placeholder badge alt text

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

– [First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]

Why Choose [Partner] Online? (H2)

NOTE: Please feature 4 or 6 values props in the cards below. We have the option to include the value prop header only or a value prop header with copy in either scenario. Examples in slider:

[Value Prop] (H3)

Include a 1-2 sentence description.

[Value Prop] (H3)

Include a 1-2 sentence description.

[Value Prop] (H3)

Include a 1-2 sentence description.

[Value Prop] (H3)

Include a 1-2 sentence description.

[Value Prop] (H3)

[Value Prop] (H3)

[Value Prop] (H3)

[Value Prop] (H3)

[Value Prop] (H3)

[Value Prop] (H3)

Technology Requirements

2-4 sentences about preparing for online learning and highlighting the support and/or benefits students will have access to as online students.

[RB] Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ page to find answers to questions you may have about the online programs.

NOTE: Wording above is standard.

Yes! [school name] is regionally accredited by [regional and/or national accreditation agency] (URL to agency/ies) and holds necessary programmatic accreditations as well. You’ll be held to the same high standards as our students on campus.

In terms of rigor, instructors, or the physical degree you receive, there’s no difference between online and on-campus programs. Online degrees offer full-time working professionals maximum flexibility in their ability to receive expert instruction and interaction, along with consistent guidance and support. They can study where and when it’s best for them so they can balance their obligations with schoolwork and achieve their ultimate goals. You can learn more about online learning here (URL to page).

Students and their instructors can interact through discussion posts, and instructors keep office hours to chat via phone or video conference. Many students also find it easy to communicate with instructors over email. You can learn more about online learning here (URL to online learning page)

Yes, absolutely. Online programs at [name of school] are explicitly designed for busy working professionals in mind, including those with personal and professional responsibilities. The asynchronous format lends itself well to the flexibility you need to succeed in the program you select.

The expected hours will vary per program. (In undergraduate courses, you can expect to work at least 8–10 hours per week, per class. For a graduate-level program, you may have 12–15 hours per week of classwork, per course.) Contact us to learn more at (admissions phone #) or (admissions email).

Include answer in a complete sentence.

Explore FAQs

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to the FAQ Hub, only IF FAQ Hub is part of the strategy.

Sources and Disclaimer

  1. One source number per reference; e.g., if footnote 1 and 5 use cite the same source, just use “1” for both references.
  2. Full URL should be used (i.e. vs and hyperlinked to open in a new window.
  3. Style: Follow the partner’s style guide for source formatting.
  4. If the style guide does not dictate a format, use this format: [Organization]. “[Title].” Retrieved [Month] [Day], [Year], from [URL].

*Disclaimer content (if needed) should be placed at the bottom of the page per UX best practices.

[Internal Information] Additional Page Needs

Content Team

  1. RB content: Refer to Reusable Content page for copy needs (for new site launches only
  2. Page Content (Word doc)
  3. Brand FAQs: Refer to Brand FAQ page for copy need (only for strategies using FAQs)

SEO Team

  1. Keywords (for Copy Team)
  2. URL (if different from standard URL)
  3. Meta Title and Description
  4. Which 6 FAQs should appear on the overview, if standard FAQs displayed on this demo page are not used (only for strategies using FAQs)

PMM Team

  1. Freya Info (only needs to be provided once since all programs and tealium codes will be used across the microsite)
    • RFI List (with SRP Links to each program)  
    • Program Tealiums 

Design Team

  1. Image(s)