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tUX Microsite LTO Program Overview 08.2024

Online [SEO Program Name] (H1, 70ch)

NOTE: Page’s H1 will appear above the sub-navigation.

NOTE: Not all pages may be needed depending on the SEO/UX Strategy for the project.

Placeholder image alt text

Program Value Prop Header (H2, 65ch)

Modality (Ex: 100% Online)

Duration (Ex: 2 years)

## Credit Hours

$### Cost Per Credit

NOTE: Icon content facts above are standard.

[RB] Request More Information

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

Elevator Pitch, Outcome-focused Header (H2, 75 ch)

This is the elevator pitch for your program. Use bolding to emphasize callouts. It may repeat some of the value props and data points that have been mentioned before to reinforce the program positioning. It should have an expanded storytelling approach to engage and motivate the prospective student to take action or explore the program at a deeper level.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

This content should not exceed 500 ch.

Program Details

Short narrative (max 200 ch) OR

Request Info

[RB][ Optional] Customize Your Area of Study

One sentence explaining that there are other unique specializations available for this program to customize your study and why a student may consider choosing one. Do not reference the # of specializations for the program in this copy.

NOTE: Please keep this sentence non-program specific as it will be used across multiple programmatic pages as a reusable block.

NOTE: Please set the tab below that correlates to the program display option that meets your need for your Overview and create content based off that option’s layout.

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

  • Duration | # of Credits

The specialization description is an overview of the program and curriculum topics. If there are no compelling curriculum info, use a significant value prop –accreditation, degree is highly ranked, degree qualifies you for certification, etc.

The should be between 1-2 sentences and should not exceed 150 ch.

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

  • Duration | # of Credits

The specialization description is an overview of the program and curriculum topics. If there are no compelling curriculum info, use a significant value prop –accreditation, degree is highly ranked, degree qualifies you for certification, etc.

The should be between 1-2 sentences and should not exceed 150 ch.

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

  • Duration | # of Credits

The specialization description is an overview of the program and curriculum topics. If there are no compelling curriculum info, use a significant value prop –accreditation, degree is highly ranked, degree qualifies you for certification, etc.

The should be between 1-2 sentences and should not exceed 150 ch.

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

[Program Specialization Name] (H3)

View Specializations

NOTE: [Optional] button to specialization hub is dependent upon SEO & UX strategy for program. If keeping, button wording is standard.

Curriculum, Benefit-focused Header (H2)

Flexible Fact Ex: ## Courses

Flexible Fact Ex: ## Total Credits

Please provide an overview of the curriculum and the value the coursework will bring to someone seeking this program. Be sure to mention licensure/certification pathways, if applicable.

This content should be between 2-3 paragraphs.

Course Highlights

  • Course Title Only
  • Ex: ABC 123 Course Title
  • Ex: ABC 123 Course Title
  • List 3-4 course titles as sample (use the most unique and compelling ones)
Curriculum Details

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to the program’s curriculum page.

Admissions, Benefit-focused Header (H2)

[RB?] Application Deadline MM/DD/YY Semester QX YYYYY

Start Date MM/DD/YY Semester QX YYYYY

This section should be between 2-3 sentences and should not exceed 500 ch that encourage the user to start the application process. Cite key admissions requirements.

[RB?] Online Application FormApply Now [Link to application form]
Degree and Minimum GPADescribe requirements for degree and GPA
Explain that official transcripts are needed
Transfer CreditsNote whether the program accepts transfer credits or not. If yes, include the max number of transfer credits accepted
[Optional] Official [Test] Score(s)Please place official test scores into this line if applicable, info on SAT/ACT, GMAT/GRE, etc. If test scores not required, please specify
[Optional] Additional RequirementsPlease list any other program requirements and/or wavier eligibility available

[RB?] [Optional] International Students Header (H3)

2-3 sentence intro, briefly stating the need for additional requirements.

NOTE: Table is not required. If there is only 1 international student admission requirement, please add it as a row to the table above.

Ex: English Language ProficiencyInfo about requirement
Ex: Official Transcript EvaluationInfo about requirement
Ex: PassportInfo about requirement
Ex: Notarized Affidavit of Support FormInfo about requirement

[RB] Admission Hub CTA Header (H2)

This section should provide a high-level overview of the admissions process for the school. Encourage students to apply now, or learn more about the process and speak with an enrollment/admissions counselor by calling (include phone number) or exploring the admissions hub.

This section should be between 3-4 sentences.

NOTE: Button below is standard and links to the brand admission hub.


Tuition, Benefit-focused Header (H2)

[RB] Calculate your cost for attending [Partner] Use our tuition calculator to help you estimate your total tuition costs.  

High-level overview of the program tuition costs. Aim to minimize cost concerns and speak to long term ROI (stress value of the degree).  If affordability is a value prop be sure to stress. If scholarships are available, please provide details within this content block. NOTE: No content creation required for tuition calculator fact.

This section should be between 2-3 sentences.

NOTE: For site consistency, keep left column topics the same when possible. You may also include any reusable copy that may appear on all programmatic tuition pages. Ex: Other costs row.

Cost per Credit Hour$XXX
Total Number of Credit HoursXX
Total Estimated Tuition$XX,XXX
[Optional] Additional Fees$XXX
Other Costs to Budget For[RB?] The estimated tuition cost does not include factors like textbooks or other expenses.

[RB] Military Students Header (H3)

Summarize any military benefits, such as discounted tuition, Yellow Ribbon, possible U.S. News & World Report ranking, and include a link to dedicated military page, if available. If military student information is unique for to a program, please follow the notes below to create net-new content.

This content is between 3-4 sentences.

[RB] Tuition & Aid CTA Header (H3)

Reusable content. Only write on partner launch. If financial aid opportunities are unique for this program (ex. scholarships, tuition discounts, etc.), please follow the notes below to create net-new content. Summarize available financial aid offerings. Acknowledge the student’s immense financial decision and point to financial aid options, such as FAFSA, scholarships, grants, etc. If scholarships are available, please provide details within this content block. Feel free to add a subhead for “Scholarships Available/Details” if needed to highlight this information.

This section should be between 3-4 sentences.

Tuition Details

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to brand-level tuition and aid page.

Placeholder image alt text

Career Outlook, Outcome-focused Header (H2, 75ch)

This section should be a high-level overview of the career outcomes related to the program. Include a general narrative about the potential career path and 1 stat from a primary source. Include career-relevant certifications and accreditations if not already covered on the page.

Focus on most compelling career insights. Include career-relevant certifications and accreditations if not already covered on the page. Cite data, use BLS, PayScale (use superscript numerals for citations).

This section should be between 1-2 paragraphs and should not exceed 500 ch.

Top Careers/Industry, Outcome-focused Header (H3)

Job Title/Industry Stat ($)###,###/(%) per year1

Job Title/Industry Stat ($)###,###/(%) per year2

NOTE: Please feature 2 career titles/industry stats in the cards above.

Placeholder badge alt text

“[Optional] The quote/testimonial should ideally highlight the online learning experience, outcomes of the program/brand, and/or value props of the program/brand. This should be around 350 ch.”

– [First][Last], [Program Name] ,Class of [YYYY]

What You’ll Learn

Brief introductory paragraph of 2-3 sentences.

Program Outcomes Header (H3)

NOTE: Header created above will be created at site launch and become standard across all overviews for that specific partner.

[RB] General Faculty Header (H2)

Brief introductory paragraph of 2-3 sentences. Use bullets when able to increase quick read and scannability.

  • Active practitioners connected to the industry and where it’s going
  • All faculty doctorally prepared
  • Their real-world experience brought into the classroom
  • Low student ratios, more individualized instruction
  • Mentorship and support throughout the program
  • No limit to items listed, but should be generic to apply to all programs

NOTE: Although content provided will be the same, below shows the possible display options. A max of 2 faculty members will be spotlight on the overview page(s).

Image Placeholder

Name, Title, Program

Faculty Spotlight: [Name]

Brief introduction (2 sentences)


  • Credential
  • Credential


  • Award
  • Award


  • Work
  • Work

[RB] Online Learning (flexible heading), H2 Header

Please provide a brief introduction of what students can expect from their online learning experience at the university/college. (3-4 sentences) Then follow up this intro paragraph with bullets to emphasize the benefits of online learning. The goal of this section is to entice prospective students to learn more about online learning and encourage them to visit the OSE page. 

Example value props:

  • Asynchronous learning format — listen to lectures, read texts, and complete coursework on your time
  • Broaden your network — classmates from around the country and sometimes even the world
  • Diverse classroom — peers with varying professional and personal backgrounds
  • Immersive LMS (online classroom software) that is mobile-ready and puts the power of education in the palm of your hand
Discover [Partner Abbrev.] Online

NOTE: Button above is standard and links to the brand OSE page.

Sources and Disclaimer

  1. One source number per reference; e.g., if footnote 1 and 5 use cite the same source, just use “1” for both references.
  2. Full URL should be used (i.e. vs and hyperlinked to open in a new window.
  3. Style: Follow the partner’s style guide for source formatting.
  4. If the style guide does not dictate a format, use this format: [Organization]. “[Title].” Retrieved [Month] [Day], [Year], from [URL].

*Disclaimer content (if needed) should be placed at the bottom of the page per UX best practices.

[Internal Information] Additional Page Needs

Content Team

  1. RB content: Refer to Reusable Content page for copy needs (for new site launches only
  2. Page Content (Word doc)
  3. Program Description: One sentence introduction of the program. Do not exceed 150 ch. (include in Word Document)

SEO Team

  1. Keywords (for Copy Team)
  2. URL
  3. Meta Title and Description
  4. Info for Online Programs page (some of this info is provided in the matrix; however, this info is still needed when launching a new program):
    • Program Short Name
    • Degree Level
    • Field of Study
  5. Site architecture changes: if this needs to get added to the main menu, etc.

PMM Team

  1. Freya Info (only needs to be provided once since all programs and tealium codes will be used across the microsite)
    • RFI List (with SRP Links to each program)  
    • Program Tealiums 
  2. The following programmatic values (some of this info is provided in the matrix; however, this info is still needed when launching a new program):
    • Duration (open text box)
    • Format (one of the following):
      • Online
      • On-Campus
      • Blended
      • Synchronous
      • Asynchronous
      • Online with internship
      • Online with residency
      • Asynchronous with limited synchronous virtual elements
    • Total cost (open text box)
    • Total credits (open text box)

Design Team

  1. Image(s)